When people ask me, "What do you want to major in?" and I respond with, "Creative writing", 1 in 5 people always say, "Oh, so you're an artsy-fartsy kind of girl?". No, I'm a girl that appreciates sentence structure, well laid out plots, and sarcastic, snarky characters (like myself). I also like photography, fantasy novels and indie movies, but whose counting?
Why do I always got to be labeled the artsy girl? I'm really not that creative at all. Well, I lied. I am creative when it comes to songs, poems, and stories, but if you ask me to draw something, you're out of luck.
Am I turning into a bohemian, hippie type of person? I sudden like baggy shirts, combat boots, round glasses and incense. Or maybe I'm just growing up... in a weird way.
I just feel so much different then the people I go to high school with. I feel like my mind-set is on a whole different level. They talk about Jordans, Drake, and Chris Brown, while I'm complaining about Paramore not being the same and how much I love Lykke Li and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I don't even care much about celebrities personal lives anymore. The only way I hear celebrity gossip is if people tell me about it. When people ask me if I'm coming back for a 5th year of high school, I give them the dirtiest look imaginable. "HELLLLLL NO!" is exactly what is echoing through my cranium. I feel like I'm over high school now. I guess I'm growing up...